Russell’s Substack
The State of Montana
Episode Twenty-Seven - Adria Jawort

Episode Twenty-Seven - Adria Jawort

Journalist, Lobbyist, and Native and Transgender activist

Adria Jawort grew up in Lockwood, Montana. Adria’s father is German, and their mother was Northern Cheyenne, so they spent a lot of time on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. Adria has worked as a self-taught journalist for nearly twenty years, and has also worked as a lobbyist for various organizations, fighting for Native and transgender causes. Adria came out as trans about six years ago, and has become a well-respected spokesperson for the LGBTQ community.

Adria has also published several books, most notably an anthology of Montana Native writers called Off the Path. They came out with a second anthology, Off the Path II, a few years later, which featured indigenous writers from different regions. And a few years ago, Adria self-published a novel, Moonrise Falling.

Thank you again to Buchanan Capital for sponsoring this podcast.

Russell’s Substack
The State of Montana
Montana has a long history of very complicated politics, often influenced by major corporations, as with the Copper Kings in our early history, or oil money. But we also have a strong track record of very progressive milestones, the most significant of which was the election of the first woman to ever serve in Congress, Jeanette Rankin. We also have what most constitutional historians consider one of the strongest state constitutions in the country. We have always boasted a very significant balance of power as well, but recently that has changed, and I want to understand why, and what can be done about it. So I'm going to interview some of our more high-profile citizens, not necessarily politicians, to explore this issue. My first guest will be Dorothy Bradley, who was the first woman to run for governor of the state. Dorothy just barely lost to Marc Racicot in 1992.